
API / @publicodes/forms / RuleWithFormMeta

type RuleWithFormMeta = Rule & object & 
  | {
  saisie: "case à cocher" | "oui/non";
  type: "booléen";
  | {
  saisie:   | "menu déroulant"
     | "boutons radio"
     | "cartes"
     | {
     orientation: "horizontal" | "vertical";
     style: "boutons radio" | "cartes" | "défaut";
  une possibilité: unknown;
  | {
  saisie: "texte court" | "texte long";
  type: "texte";
  | {
  saisie: "année" | "mois";
  type: "date";

Defined in: index.ts:26

A Publicodes Rule with additional metadata for form input

They are used to determine the type of input to display

Type declaration

NameTypeDefined in
type?"date" | "nombre" | "texte" | "booléen"index.ts:27