API / publicodes / utils
Contains utilities to manipulate publicodes rules by name.
Function | Description |
contextNameToDottedName | Return dottedName from contextName |
cyclicDependencies | This function is useful so as to print the dependencies at each node of the cycle. ⚠️ Indeed, the findCycles function returns the cycle found using the Tarjan method, which is not necessarily the smallest cycle. However, the smallest cycle is more readable. |
decodeRuleName | Decodes an encoded dottedName. |
disambiguateReference | - |
disambiguateReferenceNode | - |
encodeRuleName | Encodes a dottedName for the URL to be secure. |
findCommonAncestor | Finds the common ancestor of two dottedName |
getChildrenRules | Returns an array of all child rules of a dottedName |
isAccessible | Check wether a rule is accessible from a namespace. |
isExperimental | Check wether a rule is tagged as experimental. |
nameLeaf | Returns the last part of a dottedName (the leaf). |
ruleParent | Returns the parent dottedName |
ruleParents | Returns an array of dottedName from near parent to far parent. |
ruleWithDedicatedDocumentationPage | - |
updateReferencesMapsFromReferenceNode | - |