
API / publicodes / EvaluatedNode

type EvaluatedNode<K, T> = object & ASTNode<K>;

Defined in: packages/core/src/AST/types.ts:144

An ASTNode decorated with evaluation information

Returned by Engine.evaluate.

Type declaration

NameTypeDescriptionDefined in
missingVariablesMissingVariablesThe rules that are needed in the situation to compute the exact value for this node.packages/core/src/AST/types.ts:166
nodeValueEvaluation<T>The value of the node after evaluation. Can be a number, a string, a boolean, null (« non applicable ») or undefined (« non défini »).packages/core/src/AST/types.ts:153
traversedVariables?string[]Experimental The list of all the rules that have been traversed to evaluate this node.packages/core/src/AST/types.ts:162
unit?UnitThe unit in which the value is expressed.packages/core/src/AST/types.ts:157

Type Parameters

Type ParameterDefault type
K extends NodeKindNodeKind
T extends EvaluatedValueTypesEvaluatedValueTypes