API / @publicodes/tools / migration / migrateSituation
function migrateSituation(situation, instructions): Partial<Record<string,
| PublicodesExpression
| ASTNode<
| "arrondi"
| "barème"
| "condition"
| "constant"
| "contexte"
| "durée"
| "est non applicable"
| "est non défini"
| "grille"
| "inversion"
| "operation"
| "reference"
| "replacementRule"
| "résoudre référence circulaire"
| "rule"
| "simplifier unité"
| "taux progressif"
| "texte"
| "une possibilité"
| "unité"
| "variable manquante"
| "variations"
| "logarithme">>>
Defined in: migration/migrateSituation.ts:56
Migrate a situation from an old version of a model to a new version according to the provided migration instructions.
Parameter | Type | Description |
situation | Partial <Record <string , | PublicodesExpression | ASTNode < | "arrondi" | "barème" | "condition" | "constant" | "contexte" | "durée" | "est non applicable" | "est non défini" | "grille" | "inversion" | "operation" | "reference" | "replacementRule" | "résoudre référence circulaire" | "rule" | "simplifier unité" | "taux progressif" | "texte" | "une possibilité" | "unité" | "variable manquante" | "variations" | "logarithme" >>> | The situation object containing all answers for a given simulation. |
instructions | Migration | The migration instructions object. |
| PublicodesExpression
| ASTNode
| "arrondi"
| "barème"
| "condition"
| "constant"
| "contexte"
| "durée"
| "est non applicable"
| "est non défini"
| "grille"
| "inversion"
| "operation"
| "reference"
| "replacementRule"
| "résoudre référence circulaire"
| "rule"
| "simplifier unité"
| "taux progressif"
| "texte"
| "une possibilité"
| "unité"
| "variable manquante"
| "variations"
| "logarithme"
The migrated situation (and foldedSteps if specified).
import { migrateSituation } from '@publicodes/tools/migration'
const situation = {
"age": 25
"job": "developer",
"city": "Paris"
const instructions = {
keysToMigrate: {
// The rule `age` will be renamed to `âge`.
age: 'âge',
// The rule `city` will be removed.
city: ''
valuesToMigrate: {
job: {
// The value `developer` will be translated to `développeur`.
developer: 'développeur'
migrateSituation(situation, instructions) // { "âge": 25, "job": "'développeur'" }
An example of instructions can be found here.